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Real-time monitoring

Oilfield Services

Real-time data acquisition and monitoring systems

As part of the optimization and control of artificial lift by hydraulic pumping, Sertecpet and its engineering area have incorporated the Claw RTM System (Real Time Monitoring-RTM), with satellite technology for wells, platforms and production facilities.
Real-time satellite data acquisition and monitoring services have evolved as an integral part of optimizing control of both wells and surface facilities.
SERTECPET® has proprietary and patented technology in conjunction with developers and personnel who monitor wells and equipment around the world 24 hours a day.
It also monitors downhole parameters such as flowing pressures and temperatures.
It allows performing, monitoring and acquiring data from different pressure tests such as Build Up, Draw Down and Fall Off Test by means of a high precision quartz sensor for 10,000 PSI and at 302°F.
All surface and bottom parameters are sent in Real Time, feeding the Scada system of our clients or sending the data by satellite communication to any place in the world.
The versatility and easy adaptability to work with the Jet Claw® pump allows it to be lowered in oil wells in severe flow conditions.

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