D: desktop / T: tablet / LM: landscape mobile / M: mobile

H1 Bold (D:3REM / T:2.7REM / LM:2.4REM / M:2REM)

H1 Regular (D:3REM / T:2.7REM / LM:2.4REM / M:2REM)

H1 Light (D:3REM / T:2.7REM / LM:2.4REM / M:2REM)

H2 Bold (D:2.25REM / T:2REM / LM:1.8REM / M:1.6REM)

H2 Regular (D:2.25REM / T:2REM / LM:1.8REM / M:1.6REM)

H2 Light (D:2.25REM / T:2REM / LM:1.8REM / M:1.6REM)

H3 Bold (D:1.5REM / T:1.4REM / LM:1.3REM / M:1.2REM)

H3 Regular (D:1.5REM / T:1.4REM / LM:1.3REM / M:1.2REM)

H3 Light (D:1.5REM / T:1.4REM / LM:1.3REM / M:1.2REM)

Body text (all 1 REM)
Body text (all 1 REM)
Body text (all 1 REM)
Small Text (all 0.75 REM)
Tittle (D:4REM / T:3.5REM / LM:3.2REM / M:2REM)

H1 Tittle bold (D:4REM / T:3.5REM / LM:3.2REM / M:2REM)

H1 Tittle regular (D:4REM / T:3.5REM / LM:3.2REM / M:2REM)

H1 Tittle regular (D:4REM / T:3.5REM / LM:3.2REM / M:2REM)


Hunter Green - #4eb06b

Gray - #8C8E8F

White Smoke- #ECECEC

Fund - #ECECECEC (at 30%)


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Container_half (for single-sided left or right containers)

10vh upper margin
5vw left margin
Width 60%
min width D: 200px
max width D: 600px
5vw right margin
10vh lower margin

Container_main (for full-screen containers)

The container of "Container_main" must be set to display flex, so that the set padding can take effect.
10vh upper margin
5vw left margin
Width 75%
min width D: 900px
max width D: 1300px
5vw right margin
10vh lower margin