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Our strategy supports teamwork, the transformation of a digital culture, ongoing education, a continuous management process, adequate follow-up and timely and efficient leadership.
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Company Profile
The organization was founded in 1990 as a result of the demands of Ecuador's strategic sectors. For more than three decades we have been facing challenges and revolutionizing the industry as an example of perseverance, quality and excellence.
SERTECPET assumes the challenge of constituting an industry that provides tools, equipment, parts, pieces and services to the public and private sectors, with the vision of offering integral solutions with state-of-the-art technology.
SERTECPET provides integral solutions with state-of-the-art technology to the energy, oil, mining and industrial sectors. With a solid Quality, Safety and Environmental Management System, international certifications, patents in 27 countries around the world.
It has modern industrial plants, with processes and continuous improvement, strengthened corporate governance and best practices that have allowed it to contribute directly to productivity and to the improvement of the country's competitiveness indexes.
For more than three decades, SERTECPET has managed to export professionals with high skills and merits to enter the global oil and energy markets, has developed productive chains in the Ecuadorian Amazon and its communities, has built with products and services equipped with state-of-the-art technology, generating wealth to the treasury by paying taxes, and finally thousands of jobs, contributing directly to the growth of Ecuador.
SERTECPET has been taking care of environmental, social, scientific, technological and economic aspects in its operation, developing a robust Management System.
It has modern industrial plants, with processes and continuous improvement, strengthened corporate governance and best practices that have allowed it to contribute directly to productivity and to the improvement of the country's competitiveness indexes.
Our services
Oil and Gas Production
Industrial Area - Plants
Oil, Gas and Artificial Lift Service Facilities
IPCM Projects
Clean energy
Responsible Mining
Global Reach
Click on each country for contact information
World mapUSA flagTrinidad flagColombia flagEcuador flag
Peru flagBrazil flagArgentina flagSpain flagSaudi flagEmirates flagAngola flag


Generate Integral Solutions for the energy sector with state-of-the-art technology.


Excellence in Energy Solutions worldwide.

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Our actions fully comply with the company's principles and policies. We assume our duties with conviction and adherence to the strategic objectives and also the consequences of our actions, words and commitments.

We contribute to society by generating added value from the industry and we turn innovation into an organizational competence, seeking to substantially improve the results of the industry. Our organizational efficiency and effectiveness is the result of our commitment to order and cleanliness.
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We fulfill our obligations and are careful when making decisions, we are responsible for our colleagues and stakeholders, taking care of the trust they have placed in us.
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We comply with the rules and policies of coexistence with the social, environmental, professional and business environment inside and outside the Organization. We understand, listen to and value others, without violating their rights.
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We act with rectitude, honesty and honesty, seeking to satisfy the legitimate interests of the company. We maintain a truthful and fair attitude, in accordance with morality and the law. We always act with the truth, we are reliable, sincere, coherent and respectful of the rights of society and the environment. We fight against corruption in all areas.
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We are building an exemplary energy industry for a sustainable society.

Eduardo López pic
"We are a team of collaborators committed to excellence, we have solid processes and strong values that guarantee the best results for all stakeholders."
Eduardo López
Founding Partner SERTECPET
Disruptions bring the world we knew yesterday to a new reality and normality. The sanitary emergency that has derived since the appearance of Covid 19 in the world, shows us a different perspective from the one we experienced months ago.
We now understand that governments, societies and companies have changed, that it has been necessary to transform and reinvent ourselves, which implies a series of decisions that seek the sustainability and sustainability of companies; due to the impact on the economy and on society because of the need to sustain employment and the generation of income required by the State.
SERTECPET® and its 31 years of trajectory have been destined to work focused on excellence, going beyond; assuming challenges and goals that have allowed us to obtain international certifications, the highest standards, patents and consolidate our own management model, which has been constantly evaluated against various quality management models: National, Latin American and now European; obtaining the highest medals such as: the National Total Quality Award in Ecuador and the Latin American Total Quality Award (Silver), in addition to various unique certificates in the world by the American Petroleum Institute of the United States (API) such as the 18LCM.
Today, we continue to take on new challenges that seek a greater purpose as an organization, we have been evaluated against the European Business Excellence Model: European Foundation Quality Management (EFQM 2020) in such difficult times as those generated by the pandemic, we demonstrate resilience, in addition to a deep commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.
Today, quality is synonymous with: added value, capacity for change, adaptation, evolution, and the feelings that provoke preference and loyalty to the brand, its products and services. Therefore, our strategic foundation is based on the slogan of being a company of excellence: E= Mg (RS)². That is to say, an extraordinary and exponential organization leveraged on a Solid Management Model, under the following criteria: Direction Why does the organization exist: Purpose, vision and strategy, Organizational culture and leadership; Execution How is the purpose and strategy fulfilled: Engaging stakeholders, Creating sustainable value, Managing performance and transformation and Results What do you want to achieve in the future: Stakeholder perception and Strategic and operational performance; it generates not only profitability and reputation but also sustainability and sustainability.
Our strategy supports teamwork, the transformation of a digital culture, ongoing education, a continuous management process, adequate follow-up and timely and efficient leadership. Demonstrating that we are a disruptive organization, with knowledge, technology, innovation, focused on highly trained, motivated and committed human talent. We will continue to provide quality services based on best practices, allowing us to build long-term win-win relationships, generating greater shared value, since the basis of sustainability is the legitimacy of citizens, companies and countries.
Professional Team
Vinicio Troncoso picture

Vinicio Troncoso

General Manager
Ecuador flag
Photograph Attorney Viviana Gutierrez

Viviana Gutierrez

Corporate Compliance Officer
Ecuador flag
Luiz Augusto Da Fonseca picture

Eng. Luiz Augusto Da Fonseca

General Manager
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Santiago Carrera picture

Santiago Carrera

General Manager
Colombia flag
Ing. Carlos Platard de Quenin picture

Carlos Platard de Quenin

Joint Administrator
SERTECPET Energy Holdings
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Galo Saigua picture

Galo Saigua

General Manager (e)
Mexico flag
Carlos Guzmán picture

Carlos Guzmán

General Manager
Peru flag
background elementbackground elementbackground elementRecognition trophy for SERTECPET
Socially Responsible Company
CERES Mexico
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Top Companies
AAA Category
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National Award of the
Total Quality
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Iberoamerican Award of the
Total Quality Silver
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European Foundation
for Quality
2020 -2023
background elementbackground elementbackground elementRecognition trophy for SERTECPET
Ecuadorian Pride Insignia
Sertecpet presea of
Orgullo ecuatoriano
background elementbackground elementbackground elementRecognition trophy for SERTECPET
Most ethical company
in the world
2020 / 2021 / 2023 / 2024