The term compliance refers to the practices, strategies, activities and programs that an organization carries out to generate a culture of compliance among its personnel. One of these strategies is to establish an integrity system that manages and mitigates the risks of bribery and corruption in the processes that are managed, as is the case of the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS).
Among the essential elements to achieve this objective is that all employees know that there is a system in place to monitor compliance with the controls implemented for the different risks identified. This is integrated with the implementation of a whistleblowing, reporting and consultation channel, which allows all interested parties to ask questions and make comments in confidence.
This year, SERTECPET recertified its Anti-Bribery Management System (SGAS) in accordance with the standards established by ISO 37001, a clear sign of the commitment of the directors of each area who disseminated the messages and requested the necessary training so that the personnel were aware of the elements and objectives of this system.
No Excuses!
These basic elements of an integrity system, as well as others that complement and strengthen it, were detailed in the publication No Excuses! (Ecuador version, 2020) by the Alliance For Integrity. It is a guide to encourage different organizations to implement their own anti-corruption and anti-bribery systems. In this publication, SERTECPET collaborated with a specific article, as well as with the general review of the entire publication.
7th Regional Business Integrity Week in Latin America
The launch of NO Excuses! Ecuador was held on Tuesday October 04, 2022 in Quito during the event of the 7th Regional Business Integrity Week in Latin America. This time, SERTECPET S.A. will be present with a speech by our manager, Vinicio Troncoso, and with a round table with the participation of delegates from EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative), OLADE (Latin American Energy Organization), and the Compliance Officers of SNC Lavalin from Peru and Frontera Energy from Colombia.
Integrity Value
In SERTECPET S.A. we know that no integrity system can be viable if it does not have the support of the organization's management. For this reason, this value is evidenced in initiatives that spread this message to the community. It is worth noting that, in this sense, the company not only continuously trains its personnel, but also its suppliers. This shows that the principle of compliance seeks to spread in order to achieve a safe, integral and beneficial environment for all.
Viviana Gutierrez
Compliance Officer